Click the sim once to enable it to respond to keyboard keys.
Click for playback controls and for sim info and reset.
- Use 8 and 2 to add or remove
- If step (S) is on, with a step length of 1, bugs always
turn and never manage to move anywhere.
- If step (S) is off, and turn (T)
is intelligent, then bug movement can become ordered. Most easily
seen with 3, 4 or 5 bugs.
- Return bugs to chaotic movement by briefly switching step (S)
on and off. Bugs will eventually settle back into an ordered pattern.
- Or switch the stage wrapping, forcing bugs to establish a new
- Remove all bugs and add them in again with step (S) off,
wrap (W) off and turn (T) intelligent, creating
an ordered counter clockwise procession.
- Bored of waiting? -open the lower control panel and increase
the sim speed.
8 - add a bug (max 20)
2 - remove a bug
S - toggle step on/off
6 - inc step length (max 20)
4 - dec step length
T - toggle random or intelligent turning
W - toggle stage wrap on/off
Bugs move forwards. If their path is blocked they
turn left or right.
Turning can be random or intelligent -so that they
face an empty cell. (If no cell on either side is empty, the bug
doesn't turn).
If step (S) is on, bugs will stop and turn
(randomly or intelligently) every so often. How often is determined
by the step length. With a short step length bugs will turn often.
Long step lengths give only an occasional chance of a turn, (1 in
step length). |