⚠️This site is a mirror of Guy Walker's Stagecast⚠️

OliverFire - limited bullets

Click the sim once to enable it to respond to keyboard keys.
Click tag for playback controls and red tag for sim info and reset.

  1. The 'fire' panel shows number of bullets fired.
  2. The 'wrap' panel shows stage wrapping on or off.
  3. The 'dist' panel shows range bullets can travel.
  4. The 'limit' panel shows single or multi-bullet firing.

If two bullets collide head on, which one disappears?


Left key - face/move left
Right key - face/move right
Up key - face/move up
Down key - face/move down
Space key - fire bullet

Key X - increase range
Key Z - decrease range
Key Q - toggle single limit
Key W - toggle wrap


If stage wrapping is on, the distance a bullet can travel has to be limited. Otherwise bullets can travel forever and never die. (Plus Ollie can shoot himself in the back). Also a limited range prevents too many bullets slowing down the action.

Another remedy is to only allow a single bullet on stage at any one time. With 'limit' on, a new bullet can only be fired when the previous one has disappeared.
It also encourages the player to use ammunition wisely.