⚠️This site is a mirror of Guy Walker's Stagecast⚠️

OliverBombs - timed mines

Click the sim once to enable it to respond to keyboard keys.
Click tag for playback controls and red tag for sim info and reset.

  1. The 'fire' panel shows number of bullets fired.
  2. The 'wrap' panel shows stage wrap on or off.


Left key - face/move left
Right key - face/move right
Up key - face/move up
Down key - face/move down
Space key - fire bullet

Key W - toggle wrap


Bullet and box are replaced by 'explosion'.
Bullet is replaced by correct 'splat' if no rule to obey (ie a sweeper).
All explosions and splats are simply removed next clock tick.

If two bullets collide both will create a 'splat'.