Upgrading from Tessera to Tessera Pro
Unfortunately, it's not possible to preserve compatibility in Unity when replacing a .dll with a set of scripts.
If you previously developed a game with Tessera, and you have now downloaded Tessera Pro instead, you'll see the following error.
Don't panic. All your data is still there.
To fix it, please backup your project, then run Tools > Tessera > Upgrade Scene to Tessera Pro
If you like, you can delete all the "dummy" files in the Tessera folder - these files only exist to simplify this transition.
If you don't like upgrading scene by scene, you can edit Unity's yaml directly. The following instructions replace the main script references.
Find: fileID: -65694588, guid: 5ec9deea42ffdf94eae3261973878f98
Replace: fileID: 11500000, guid: e3ad2bf01b7a6b7409eb683402aa8669
Find: fileID: 2003858105, guid: 5ec9deea42ffdf94eae3261973878f98
Replace: fileID: 11500000, guid: 8a3f7e4cbfb5a184b8e397a0175d7112
Find: fileID: -96226770, guid: 5ec9deea42ffdf94eae3261973878f98
Replace: fileID: 11500000, guid: 333e56fb2e5d1ff4bb53c10611586ded
Find: fileID: 1044799892, guid: 5ec9deea42ffdf94eae3261973878f98
Replace: fileID: 11500000, guid: d1efb6dc65363b7479c2f8be4b856e61
Find: fileID: 1700055444, guid: 5ec9deea42ffdf94eae3261973878f98
Replace: fileID: 11500000, guid: eae741d319c3bff43839bad0f95dceca
Find: fileID: -758439564, guid: 5ec9deea42ffdf94eae3261973878f98
Replace: fileID: 11500000, guid: b6f7252aa33bd554b9de1f6d885c2d7d
Save your changes, then reload the scene in Unity. If done correctly, the scripts should now work.
Downgrades can be done by following the Advanced instructions, reversing Find and Replace.