Here is full list of samples supplied with Varia.
01 - Overview
Demonstrates the usage of all varia behaviours, one per row. Each behaviour alters the 8 white cubes in some way.

02 - Portrait Generator
Using assets from Noble Avatar (CC-BY 3.0), this show cases a random face generator.
The sample makes heavy use of Random Value to swap between alternative images.

03 - Fractals
The Instantiate behaviour can be run recusively to generate these well known fractals. More details on Recursion

04 - FantasyHouse

05 - Random Text
Picks random text strings. Somehwat inspired by Spelunky's opening text.

06 - Trees
An advanced example of recursion to generate tree. Allen Pike has an article on a similar idea.

The mesh used for the leaf foliage has non-standard normals to give a more diffuse look.
The Trees sample comes with a controller script that lets you edit all the pertinent parameters at once.
07 - Moths