Cell Types
Cell types other than cube and square are only available in Tessera Pro
Tessera generally assumes you are working with cube grids, however square, hexagonal and triangular grids are also supported.
To use this, simply use TesseraSquareTile, TesseraHexTile or TesseraTrianglePrismTile instead of TesseraTile.
As usual, you can paint the sides of the tiles, and the generator will automatically rotate and place the tiles into cells connecting the sides.
The different tiles in paint mode:
The result of running the generator.
- Only cubes support 3 axes of rotations. Other cell types only rotate in a single plane.
- Triangles generally need rotations enabled, otherwise you must make separate "points up" and "points down" tile variants.
- Different cell types cannot be mixed in a given generator.
Co-ordinates and measurements
Hexes are laid out in the XZ plane. The Y-axis is used to stack hexes vertically. Hexes are pointy topped, not flat topped. If you need other axes or styles, simply rotate the generator appropriately.
Each hex is referred to using the following co-ordinate scheme:
For a hex of size one, you may find the following measurments helpful.
The distance between any two adjacent hex centers is 1.
Triangles are laid out in the XZ plane. The Y-axis is used to stack triangles vertically. Triangles point up/down, not left right. If you need other axes or styles, simply rotate the generator appropriately.
Each triangle is referred to using the following co-ordinate scheme:
For a triangle of size one, you may find the following measurements helpful.
The distance between any two adjacent triangle centers is 1.