is only available in Tessera Pro
You can use TesseraMeshOutput to write directly to a mesh. Your tiles objects must have a MeshFilter and MeshRenderer, unless you check Instantiate Children Only, in which case the children must have a MeshFilter and Mesh Renderer.
Because Tessera is merging multiple tiles, the resulting mesh will often need multiple materials. There are different options for how to handle this.
- Single - Ignore the materials set on the tiles, and just use the specified material instead
- Unique - Use every material found on any tile.
- UniqueByName - Use every material found on any tile, deduplicating materials if they share the same name.
Mesh output has 3 settings for handling colliders:
- None - No colliders are output
- ReuseRenderMesh - A mesh collider is set up, which uses the same mesh as the MeshFilter.
- Merge - The meshes of all the mesh colliders of the tiles are merged together.
Other components
Because mesh output does not create unity game objects for each tile, all other behaviours are lost. You can use the C# API to add them back if needed.
By default, mesh output writes to a single MeshFilter on the generator itself. This can get awkward for large generations. By enabling chunking, the tiles will be split into small groups, and a separate MeshFilter/MeshRenderer created for each.