Conditions are a way of of turning on/off Varia components automatically. Before applying a Varia component, all of the conditions of that component are evaluated, and if any of them are false, then that component will be skipped.
This is a great way to add systematic variation to your objects, and turns Varia into a mini-programming language.
Note a few components, such as VariaKeep treat conditions differently, rather than always skipping the component.
There's multiple conditions you can add to a component, described below.
A Random condition simply randomly decides if the condition passes. You can set the random chance between 0 and 1, where 0 means never passes, and 1 means always passes.
This is particularly useful with components like VariaKeep / VariaDestroy, as it allows you to randomly choose whether to include an optional item.
Depth Filter
A Depth Filter condition checks the hidden depth
property against a fixed value. Depth starts at zero and is increased by one for every nested use of VariaInstantiate.
This condition's main use is to control recursive behaviour. See the docs on Instantiate or the recursion tutorial.