⚠️This site is a mirror of Guy Walker's Stagecast⚠️

Turing Trains | Isometric | Wang Tiles | Maze Arrays | i Logo


Turing Trains


computational train track layouts



Welcome to Turing Trains.

These pages explore the design and construction of train track layouts capable of binary computation. Simple functions are combined to create complex layouts, and assembled to construct a programmable computer.

Each layout is depicted as a compact grid of square tiles. They use Javascript to run in a web browser. Mouse click to run or switch points.

All layouts can be built with the Duplo train system. This provides 'real world' physical examples. Layouts can be large and use a hexagonal grid structure.

If you're new to computational train track layouts, start with the Intro section. The Functions, Layouts and Computer sections show designs of increasing complexity.

The Projects section covers other aspects of train track layout design. The final page looks at the advantages and problems of different mechanical logic designs.

Have fun, Guy.

Comments to guy walker at cr31 dot co dot uk



zoom in to enlarge layouts