Creating instances
By default Tessera will instantiate each tile as a child of the generator. If you want to customize this, you can use a TesseraInstantiateOutput.
When using TesseraInstantiateOutput, instead of creating a copy of the tile itself, you can specify a different prefab to be instantiated instead.
See the Plains Sample for an example of this out in action.
Tile Mappings
Each tile in the generator can be separately configured in the editor. There are several different options.
The default setting simply instanties a copy of the Tile object.
No output will be made for this tile.
Instantiate As
With this setting, you can sepcify a different prefab to instantiate. By using "Instantiate Children Only" you can create multiple objects for one tile, like the equivalent setting on the Tile components.
Specify a scene constraint like a Pin or Volume. A copy of that constraint will be instantiated in the correct position. For volume constraints, the newly created object will be configured to exactly cover the space of the original tile.
This fires a Unity event when this tile needs instantiating. The event funcion should have three arguments:
void MyEvent(TesseraCompletion completion, TesseraTileInstance instance, Action<GameObject> results)
The first two arguments are documented in the API. The third argument can be optionally used to record any game objects that you created during the event (used for undo and animation).