This is a list of all samples that come with Tessera / Tessera Pro, and what they demonstrate.
Please note that most samples do not use prefabs as they are more self contained that way. But you are encouraged to make your tiles prefabs in practice.
GrassPaths contains a collection of samples that all share a very basic tileset. They demonstrate many Tessera features in as simple a context as possible.
Demonstrates configuration of some simple tiles showing a brown path running through a green field of grass. Includes one big tile that occupies the space of 4 normal tiles. This sample serves the basis for the getting started and big tile tutorials.
Adds sloped tiles to GrassPaths.scene, and extends the generator vertically into the 3rd dimension.
Adds a second generator to GrassPaths.scene, which builds on the first generator by adding vegetation in appropriate places. This is described more in multipass.
Includes some pins to GrassPaths.scene, showing how you can fix part of the generation manually.
Pro only
Adds a Animated Generator to GrassPaths.scene.
Pro only
Configures the generator to always fail, so you can see uncertainty tiles in use.
Try fiddling with the Failure Mode
setting on the generator.
Pro only
Adds a mirror constraint to GrassPaths.scene.
Pro only
Adds a path constraint to GrassPaths.scene.
Pro only
Configures GrassPaths.scene with a mesh surface to make a spherical planet.
Pro only
Configures GrassPaths.scene with an infinite generator that lazy generates tiles near a collider.
Pro only
Uses the overlapping feature to generate an image from a given sample.
A 3d generation showing multiple useful techniques. The tile paint in this sample is based off of Marching Cubes, a popular way of doing auto-tiling. This sample also comes with a small script showing how Tessera can be used to lazily construct infinite generators. (see also GrassPathsInfinite if you have Tessera Pro).
A generator that creates Diablo-esque dungeons. Inclues a volume constraint that forces empty space in the center of the generator.
Pro only
Adds several constraints to Dungeon.scene to encourage the level to be more realistic and playable:
- The level must be fully navigable
- Exactly one staircase up and down.
Pro only
Uses a mesh surface to map out several city blocks, with different mesh materials representing roads and housing.
Demonstrates using square tiles instead of cubes. In Tessera Pro, this sample also demonstrates writing to a Unity tilemap.
Pro only
Uses the same tiles as Platformer, but with an infinite horizontal scroll.
Pro only
Simples set of tiles demonstrating using Hex Prism tiles.
Pro only
Simple set of tiles demonstrating using Triangle Prism tiles.
Configures Triangles.scene with a mesh surface to make a spherical example.
Hex Raceway
Pro only
An example with hex tiles and a path constraint. This is a 3d generator, with height 2, allowing bridges over the track.
The path constraint has the "Parity" setting on which is specially designed for pathways with no forks, such as this circular track.
Pro only
An advanced multipass example. The road network is generated in the first pass, and the skyscrapers generated as the second pass.
Implements multi-scale truchet tiles, using two different techniques.
Truchet Big
Uses Big Tiles to support multiple scales of tile in one generator.
Truchet Multipass
Runs two different generators, one for each scale of tile.
Pro only
A complicated example using overlapping model with a Unity Tileset based sample, and multiplass.
This shows how Tessera can be used for a simple sort of auto-tiling - the first pass picks the basic terrain type, then the second pass choses a tile appropriate for the nearby terrain.
Pass 2
Pro only
A basic overlapping example, paired with an Infinite Generator. This uses the strip
option to work reliably.
Pro only
Demonstrates using Mesh Edges Model Type to connect tiles instead of painting them.
Pro only
Same as the previous sample, but uses the Paint Tile From Mesh feature instead of Mesh Edges model type.