Controlling Output
Output control is only available in Tessera Pro
By default, after doing generation, TesseraGenerator
will instantiate copies of all the tiles as child objects.
This is usually what you need, but it is possible to customize it further. To do this, you need to attach one of these behaviours to the generator:
- TesseraInstantiateOutput - Finer control over what gameobjects/prefabs are instantiated
- TesseraMeshOutput - Merge all the tiles into a single mesh. Often much faster than creating each tile separately.
- TesseraTilemapOutput - Write the output into a Unity Tilemap.
Handling the output in code
If none of the built in behaviours above are appropriate, you can handle output yourself.
When invoking the Generate method, you can set onComplete or onComplete to completely replace the the default behaviour with your own code. There's an example in the API docs.