⚠️This site is a mirror of Guy Walker's Stagecast⚠️

tileCorner Wang Tiles - 2-corner

This sim creates a random terrain background. If the stage wraps, opposite stage sides match too.

Terrain tiles are Wang tiles matched by corners. With two different types of corner there are 16 different tiles. See Wang2c.

The sim shows several different sets of terrain tiles.

See Stage for random tile arrays.
See Tiles page for tilesets.

Terrain stage

Play Sim     View Stage


No controls.
Sim will cycle, use Reset to run again.

tileCorner Wang Tiles - 3-corner

This sim creates a random terrain using a complete set of 3-corner Wang tiles. Each tile is then swopped directly with a 'Camp' tileset.

The sim was modified from the 2-corner Terrain tile sim above. Random corners are now 0, 1 or 2, producing tiles numbered from 0 to 80.

See Wang3c to see the complete tileset of 81 tiles.
See Stage for random tile arrays.
See Tiles page for tilesets.

Terrain stage

Play Sim     View Stage


No controls.
Sim will cycle, use Reset to run again.
