⚠️This site is a mirror of Guy Walker's Stagecast⚠️

wang tileEdge Wang Tiles - 2-edge

The sim first fills the stage with random Wang tiles. Wang tiles are square tiles with a color on each edge. They can be arranged on a regular grid so that edges of adjacent tiles have the same color.

These are then directly replaced with the equivalent Pipe / Road / Walkover path tilesets. Note that paths are not fully connected as in Maze layouts.

See Wang2e for more info.
See Stage for random tile arrays.
See Tiles page for tilesets.

Wang Tiles

Play Sim     View Stage


Click 'Start' to begin.
Click 'Wrap' buttons to toggle stage wrap.
Select Reset to run again.

wang tileEdge Wang Tiles - 3-edge

The Wang tileset used here has either a yellow, blue or a red edge. Three different edges creates 3^4 or 81 different tiles.

The sim was easily modified from the 2 edge Path tile sim above. Random edges are now 0, 1 or 2 corresponding to colors yellow, blue and red, producing tiles numbered from 0 to 80.

See Wang3e for more info.
See Stage for random tile arrays.
See Tiles page for tilesets.

Wang Tiles

Play Sim     View Stage


Click 'Start' to begin.
Click 'Wrap' buttons to toggle stage wrap.
Select Reset to run again.
